Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Crummy Doodle

Here's a crummy doodle. I figured since I missed posting yesterday, I'd at least post a second doodle for today. But I really don't like this particular doodle--it's not a good representation of the doodling I typically do around letters and words. Very plain, and not my usual elaborateness for a word doodle. Oh, well. I'll get over it.

Object Doodles...Plus Some Old Guy Listening to Music

Here are a few doodles I did on my trip to/from Chicago today. There's a funky metal chair doodle, a Jamba Juice cup doodle, a doodle around the title of the book I'm reading, my shoe doodle (sans the foot, even though my foot was in it when I doodled it!), and a "some old guy on the train listening to music with HUGE headphones" doodle.


Monday, May 28, 2007

A Trio of Doodles

This was a flower-grid-made-up-letters doodle. Just a few doodles within the same small area. The one on the upper left is a grid doodle--basically a doodle that was lines going one way, then lines going the other way. And then the easiest doodle of them all, a flower. I colored this one red, and it looks like a poppy. Quite appropriate for Memorial Day. Want to know why poppies are associated with Memorial Day? Click here. Lastly, the bottom are just scribblings of letters, not spelling anything and not meaning anything. They were originally going to be some angular line shapes to go between the little star-shaped things, but they really turned out like letter forms.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Unfinished Doodle

This doodle is somewhat unfinished. But it is what it is. A doodle's lifespan isn't that long anyway.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Streetlamp Doodle

Here's a little doodle I did while waiting to catch the Metra train to downtown Chicago last Tuesday. It's of a cutesy streetlamp that was in front of the station.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Digital Doodling

Sorry for the hiatis. I guess my doodles weren't so daily for a while there. Well, I'm back. To all my [few] fans, I will do my best to post new, fun doodles--as long as you keep your comments coming!

Here are some personal initial logos (LAH) I was doodling around with on the computer. Which one do you like best?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sorry for the Delinquency

I know, I doodles since Monday. I've been suffering with some physical pain that has left me not really wanting to do much at all, let alone pick up a writing utensil and start doodling! I will get back into the swing of things soon--hopefully the docs can figure out what's up with me and I can be on the road to improvement. I'm making it sound worse than it actually is--I'm not dying of cancer, I'm just dealing with constant, out-of-the-ordinary pain that's taken over the left side of my body!

Plus, the lack of doodles is also a result of two major meetings for this week being rescheduled!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Starflake Doodle

Generated this doodle today. It's a star/snowflake thing....a starflake.

Friday's Sharpie Doodle

Well, I never got around to posting last Friday's doodle, so here it is. It was a "thank you" post-it doodle to Kelly, my co-worker, for lending me her dot stickers for a presentation. Some bright colors for this doodleblog.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A little craziness in the corner of a newspaper.

This evening, I doodled on a newspaper. My dogs used to do that too, only a different kind of doodle.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Self Doodle

Today's addition is my self-doodle that I've added to my profile. See it? It's right next to my "About Me" text.

Yup, there it is!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Three more doodles today. Used a red marker tip pen in these as well. I think the top one looks like a dreamcatcher. The middle one is my name, looking all 70's 'n stuff. The bottom one, well...I guess that reminds me of a porcupine/dragon thing, but not really. What do you think? (Kind of like guessing cloud shapes, huh?)