Friday, July 27, 2007

Alien Plant Doodles

Here are some alien plants that I doodled. I have some alien flowers around here somewhere, but they have seemed to have gone off and hidden. They'll show up on my computer, and then they'll show up on Daily Doodles.

Stare Doodle

This Dude Doodle has a staring problem.

Kitty Drinks Like a Fish Doodle

My little kitty (well, no so little) drinking out of the pet water bowl. He's so quiet when he drinks, but you can hear a tiny little slap slap slap as he laps up the water with his tongue. He's a quick little bugger too--hard to do a doodle of him because you look up and he's gone!

Lovin' Those Star-shaped Doodles!

Another star-like doodle. What can I say? I like star shapes!

I Dunno Doodle

I don't know what this is, besides a doodle.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good Boy, Rocky, Good Boy!

My dog, Rocky, was being an exceptionally good boy yesterday when he had to spend a period of time in his crate. I was so proud of him, I decided to create a custom doodle for him!

Good boy!

Floral Doodle

A pretty floral doodle.

Conjested Doodle

I was thinking of Chicago and major metropolitan cities and their traffic woes when I created this doodle. It's fairly large so you can see the doodle clearer, since it's kind of busy. Just like these cities.

Crease Doodle <--Am I spelling that right?

Just felt like doodling within the crease of my DoodleBook. This is the result. I created this one pretty fast--in about 29 seconds.

The Progress Bar Doodle

A doodle similar to digital progress bars you see on websites and computers, with a twist of Lisa of course.

Arrow-y Thing Doodle

Not sure what this is, but it has common features with other doodles of mine. Lines, circles, and arrowheads.

And I just realized it's upside down.


Did you ever create drawings as a kid with your eraser? Well, if so and you know what I am referring to, this doodle was inspired by that. I doodled a shape--the weird octagon-shaped thing (Hey, I've forgotten my geometric shape names. It's been a while since High School Geometry--give me a break!), and then flipped my pencil around and "drew" things with the eraser!

The DoodleDog

Yikes! Watch out for this little guy. Shhh...don't tell him I called him "little." I don't want to come home to find this DoodleDog's chewed my pen to pieces!

Razor Fish Doodle

Kind of patriotic, huh? Well, the colors at least. I'm not sure where fish stands in American symbolism. Oh, and this is perfect for my recent phishing trip on my MySpace profile.